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IV Therapy: What Is It? How Can It Benefit Your Health and Longevity?

Intravenous therapy delivers nutrients directly into your bloodstream. This way, your body can absorb them faster and help you quickly achieve optimal blood levels. How does it work? Is IV therapy safe? How big is the cannula?

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Intravenous therapy delivers nutrients directly into your bloodstream. This way, your body can absorb them faster and help you quickly achieve optimal blood levels. How does it work? Is IV therapy safe? How big is the cannula?

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Intravenous therapy is a method in which fluids and nutrients are delivered into your bloodstream. This helps deliver essential nutrients in a faster manner, bypassing the slow rates associated with oral administration and achieving optimal blood levels more quickly. This way, deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are corrected rapidly. 

This technique is crucial for health because deficiencies in essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients could negatively affect longevity. This procedure is generally safe when done under the supervision of highly-trained, well-equipped staff.


What is intravenous therapy?

Intravenous (IV) therapy is a way to deliver fluids, medicine, nutrients, or other components directly into your bloodstream through a vein (1). This technique helps correct deficiencies or prevent their occurrence (2).


Why is IV therapy important?

Research has shown that having adequate levels of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients is essential to promote healthy longevity (3, 4). These nutrients help power up many of the enzymes, processes, and biochemical and chemical reactions that your body needs to function properly and fight the aging process.

For example, vitamin D deficiency has been shown to accelerate the rate of aging and the chance of developing age-related diseases, like diabetes, muscle weakness, heart disorders, Alzheimer's disease, and others (5). You could be wondering why? This is because this vitamin, like many other vitamins, plays a central role in combating the factors and effects that lead to the development of the diseases mentioned earlier.  

This is big; why? Because about one in every 7 humans on this planet has vitamin D deficiency (6). The number of people suffering from deficiences in other vital vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are similar to vitamin D. This shows you how important these nutrients are for your overall health and longevity.

Here at Healthy Longevity Clinic, targeted IV therapy is one of the methods we use to deliver customized blends of vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients directly to the bloodstream. We do tests to determine which one you lack, so your customized blend gives you optimal health outcomes. Book your free consultation to find out more.

Is IV therapy safe?

Generally, when the insertion and administration procedure is done under supervised, well-trained, and equipped personnel, the risk that arises from using IV therapy is minimal. However, if done in the wrong way, it could lead to infection at the insertion site, inflammation, swelling, and pain (1).

Rest assured, the team at Healthy Longevity Clinic maintains the highest standards and adheres to the latest guidelines of good IV practice. Therefore, the team will carefully attend to your case to avoid any untoward events. Check out our page to learn about more types of treatments we provide and the programs we offer.


Are there any contraindications to IV therapy?

Yes, there are a few contraindications to the procedure. Examples of these include (1):

  • Inflammation or infection at the site of insertion of the IV line.
  • Problems related to blood vessels in which the IV line is inserted.

The size of cannula can differ

There are a few things you should be aware of. For example, the size of the cannula (a thin tube inserted into your vein to deliver the nutrients) could differ (1). This variation is due to many factors, like the type of blends your body needs, their amount, the time over which they should be delivered, the chosen vein, and other factors.

Which arm is used in intravenous therapy?

The vein in the non-dominant arm is used to give the customized blend of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients if it is to be kept for some time (1). However, it is important to remember that this will be based on your needs, meaning that it could change between subsequent visits.

You can benefit from IV therapy too

At Healthy Longevity Clinic, we have a highly-equipped team with years of experience in administering IV therapy. The team will assess your needs for customized blends of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, and administer them accordingly. This way, the essential nutrients your heart, skin, brain, and other organs need are provided, boosting your health and contributing to your longevity. Visit our programs page to find out more about IV therapy and different types of treatments and diagnostics to complement it. While there, be sure to book your free consultation.

Intravenous therapy is a method in which fluids and nutrients are delivered into your bloodstream. This helps deliver essential nutrients in a faster manner, bypassing the slow rates associated with oral administration and achieving optimal blood levels more quickly. This way, deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are corrected rapidly. 

This technique is crucial for health because deficiencies in essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients could negatively affect longevity. This procedure is generally safe when done under the supervision of highly-trained, well-equipped staff.


What is intravenous therapy?

Intravenous (IV) therapy is a way to deliver fluids, medicine, nutrients, or other components directly into your bloodstream through a vein (1). This technique helps correct deficiencies or prevent their occurrence (2).


Why is IV therapy important?

Research has shown that having adequate levels of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients is essential to promote healthy longevity (3, 4). These nutrients help power up many of the enzymes, processes, and biochemical and chemical reactions that your body needs to function properly and fight the aging process.

For example, vitamin D deficiency has been shown to accelerate the rate of aging and the chance of developing age-related diseases, like diabetes, muscle weakness, heart disorders, Alzheimer's disease, and others (5). You could be wondering why? This is because this vitamin, like many other vitamins, plays a central role in combating the factors and effects that lead to the development of the diseases mentioned earlier.  

This is big; why? Because about one in every 7 humans on this planet has vitamin D deficiency (6). The number of people suffering from deficiences in other vital vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are similar to vitamin D. This shows you how important these nutrients are for your overall health and longevity.

Here at Healthy Longevity Clinic, targeted IV therapy is one of the methods we use to deliver customized blends of vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients directly to the bloodstream. We do tests to determine which one you lack, so your customized blend gives you optimal health outcomes. Book your free consultation to find out more.

Is IV therapy safe?

Generally, when the insertion and administration procedure is done under supervised, well-trained, and equipped personnel, the risk that arises from using IV therapy is minimal. However, if done in the wrong way, it could lead to infection at the insertion site, inflammation, swelling, and pain (1).

Rest assured, the team at Healthy Longevity Clinic maintains the highest standards and adheres to the latest guidelines of good IV practice. Therefore, the team will carefully attend to your case to avoid any untoward events. Check out our page to learn about more types of treatments we provide and the programs we offer.


Are there any contraindications to IV therapy?

Yes, there are a few contraindications to the procedure. Examples of these include (1):

  • Inflammation or infection at the site of insertion of the IV line.
  • Problems related to blood vessels in which the IV line is inserted.

The size of cannula can differ

There are a few things you should be aware of. For example, the size of the cannula (a thin tube inserted into your vein to deliver the nutrients) could differ (1). This variation is due to many factors, like the type of blends your body needs, their amount, the time over which they should be delivered, the chosen vein, and other factors.

Which arm is used in intravenous therapy?

The vein in the non-dominant arm is used to give the customized blend of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients if it is to be kept for some time (1). However, it is important to remember that this will be based on your needs, meaning that it could change between subsequent visits.

You can benefit from IV therapy too

At Healthy Longevity Clinic, we have a highly-equipped team with years of experience in administering IV therapy. The team will assess your needs for customized blends of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, and administer them accordingly. This way, the essential nutrients your heart, skin, brain, and other organs need are provided, boosting your health and contributing to your longevity. Visit our programs page to find out more about IV therapy and different types of treatments and diagnostics to complement it. While there, be sure to book your free consultation.

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