A personal letter from the founder of the HealthyLongevity.clinic and LongevityTech.fund, Petr Šrámek.
As someone involved in both the financial and scientific worlds, I'm often asked, "What type of investment will guarantee benefits in the future?" The answer from a financial perspective is clear - investments in financial or non-financial assets may or may not yield benefits. Nothing is guaranteed. In the best-case scenario, it means that you'll have higher financial income in the future and possibly a secure material environment.
However, what is certain is that as you age, your ability to enjoy these incomes or material possessions will diminish. In other words, science shows us that the priority investment should be in extending your health - the part of your life when you can enjoy everything else, including your loved ones.

Yes, it's possible today. However, contrary to popular belief, it's not about "adjusting" health when it begins to decline. The cost of such adjustments or even rejuvenation will be enormous. It's far more effective to start earlier and literally slow down your biological clock, preferably from the age of 35. From current studies and measurements of HLC clients, we know that it's possible to slow down the aging rate to about 70% of the "normal" speed. If you start at 35, you can gain almost ten additional years of healthy and active life by age 65. The intensity of such "slowing down" varies, of course.

If you're wondering how these biological clocks are measured, several methods exist. From partial ones that measure your physical performance (such as VO2 max) and can be positively influenced by exercise to highly sophisticated ones like DNA methylation profiles or telomere length. The attached image shows the latest result of my TruAge measurement. I have been able to reduce previously great biological age further by an additional ten years within the period of the last 18 months.

From the measurement, it's evident that I have accumulated 16 years of healthy years to my benefit. However, it's not just about the number on paper or future effects.

This reduced immunological age has specific manifestations - I haven’t been sick for the past 20 years and don't experience any health limitations such as fatigue, nausea, or any pain. I have perfect skin quality all over my body, and I have no ulcers or other issues. No allergies or sensitivities have developed. My bowel movements are regular, and my Oura sleep score consistently falls in the optimal range of 85 to 95. Photos show that I look better than I did 20 years ago. Further experimental measurements indicate a reduced degree of somatic DNA mutations, lowering the risk of various serious diseases, including cancer and Alzheimer's. These measurements confirm that many seemingly temporary infectious diseases, like the flu (and, of course, COVID), irreversibly damage our DNA.
You might wonder what specific steps I took to achieve these results. I must admit, I'm not a sports or wellness fanatic. I simply don't have the time to devote most of my energy to my health, as Bryan Johnson does, who claims to hold the world record in slowing aging. I also don't engage in extensive biohacking activities like daily ice baths, hours of meditation, or using exotic devices. My strategy is based on thoroughly studied and crafted scientific knowledge that we have access to at HealthyLongevity.clinic and LongevityTech.fund. I also prefer to dedicate my time and energy to extending the health span of humanity instead of solely focusing on myself.
The foundation of this knowledge is that not only is each of us unique, but our needs change daily and sometimes even hourly. Everything happens in cyclical processes on countless levels. The aging process is a slow compounding effect of all underlying processes.
To be able to influence it, we must do so intelligently and not forcefully. The approach "buy the best and use as much as possible" does not apply. The resulting effect would be weak. We need to know precisely when, what, and how much, and then dramatic effects will begin to emerge.
At HLC, we have been able to help a wide range of clients in this way, sometimes even reducing their biological age by ten years during the first year of the program, accompanied by a significantly improved appearance, subjective well-being, and increased vitality. However, this requires a systematic, long-term approach that is carefully planned and regularly updated. We call this a Longevity Roadmap.
Based on my parameters, which the team of doctors sees in a specialized information system, specific goals are set to improve particular aging biomarkers. Currently, we are monitoring over 1,000 parameters. For example, I am currently working on improving the bioenergetic index of mitochondrial activity, where I experienced a decrease. The reason for the decrease was likely mild aluminum intoxication combined with Impaired function of relevant mitochondrial enzymes due to zinc/copper imbalance, increased oxidative stress from iron dysregulation., and a genetic predisposition. Interestingly, this also manifested in increased damage to mitochondrial DNA. In this case, interventions include increased copper intake based on specialized organic supplements and a series of special infusions.
My Longevity Roadmap, therefore, contains both short-term and long-term goals, which, in my case, aim to optimize the balance of the mitochondrial function, modulating an increasing energy production and reducing excessive oxidative stress and hormonal stability. All of this is combined with an elaborate supplementation program and special medication. However, these are just the basic interventions.
Already this year, we are able to perform a special therapy at our clinic in Florida that combines Therapeutic plasma exchange and the synergistic infusion of other substances. This therapy has been proven to remove various harmful molecules and positively impact biological age and functional biomarkers. We can also support the rejuvenation of the thymus as a source of immunity. All of this will be combined with a series of procedures aimed at improving brain function and the cardiovascular system. In this way, we can not only slow down the rate of aging but also reverse it in key areas. Thus, there is potential to "turn back the clock."
However, such interventions can only be implemented after achieving complete stabilization and following an initial six-month program at least.
Processing the Longevity Roadmap and all biological data is a demanding task that a single doctor cannot handle but instead involves an international team with specialized expertise. As we cannot offer this to everyone, we have prepared a special membership program with a range of benefits based on an annual commitment.
The basic principle is that the client invests in their so-called "health budget," from which funds are gradually drawn throughout the year. The client maintains control over both the budget and the allocated items and can request a refund of any unused budget if needed.
Membership at each level comes with discounted rates on specific services and, most importantly, exclusive or priority access to comprehensive "concierge" care, which is coordinated with the overall longevity program. The team will ensure that, in case of any special health issue, you receive care from the best possible facility in the Czech Republic. A member can include their family members in the program, who will share the budget; however, the annual budget for each additional family member only increases by 50% of the required amount.
This way of working also enables the clinic's team to maximize their efforts to slow down aging within the selected membership level.
The overview of membership program benefits:

Based on our experience, we have calculated the sensible annual budget for each level to achieve the expected effect. The budget includes everything, such as annual supplement consumption, recurring examinations, nutritional or movement coaches, and potential specialized therapies.
We base our membership levels on the following assumptions:
Essential Member
Typically, someone who knows it's essential to invest in their health but is hesitant to dive in aggressively. In addition to other benefits, this member receives a 5% discount on all products and services. Their annual budget will be $25,000, typically covering the initial assessment, four annual checkups, Longevity Roadmap updates, key examinations, and special supplements (which often consume up to half of the budget).
Optimal Member
Someone who wants to do the most they can but has limited resources to invest in their health. In addition to other benefits, this member receives a 10% discount on all products and services. Their annual budget will be $60,000, typically covering the initial full assessment, four annual checkups, Longevity Roadmap updates, ongoing nutritional consultations, more detailed examinations including CT, MRI, and mitochondrial tests, special supplements, and currently the most effective existing medications.
Elite Member
Someone who values their health and is not limited in their financial capabilities, allowing them to invest the maximum amount that is still effective and makes sense. In addition to other benefits, this member receives a 15% discount on all products and services. Their annual budget will be $100,000, with a total discount of about $18,000, typically covering all assessments, monthly checkups, Longevity Roadmap updates, ongoing nutritional consultations, a complete range of examinations, special supplements, and specifically selected advanced therapies. Elite Members also have direct access to our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ana Baroni, MD, PhD, one of the most recognized longevity experts in the world.
Membership in each program requires payment of the annual budget, which will then be drawn upon throughout the year. To maintain membership, the budget must be renewed on the anniversary date.
We are glad that HealthyLongevity.clinic is at the forefront of international activities in Longevity and is gaining well-deserved attention.
Returning to the original consideration of guaranteed investments, with any investment, we measure performance over time. Measuring the level of your health converted to your biological age gives you the opportunity to measure the performance of your investment in your health. Each additional year in which you are in full physical and cognitive strength gives you the opportunity to evaluate your other financial assets and enjoy them simultaneously. Investing in health is essentially a leveraged investment that no inflation or political change can deprive you of. In the light of various geopolitical crises during the past several years, we cannot be certain of any developments, except that everything will be dramatically different. In the face of immense stress, we can only fight back by maintaining our physical abilities and improving our cognitive capabilities - by investing in our health.
As a next step, I recommend a discovery call with the clinical director, where you can learn more about the Longevity Roadmap program and specific interventions.
I am also more than happy to meet with anyone interested in membership if they wish to discuss specific experiences.
Petr Sramek, CEO and Managing Partner
As someone involved in both the financial and scientific worlds, I'm often asked, "What type of investment will guarantee benefits in the future?" The answer from a financial perspective is clear - investments in financial or non-financial assets may or may not yield benefits. Nothing is guaranteed. In the best-case scenario, it means that you'll have higher financial income in the future and possibly a secure material environment.
However, what is certain is that as you age, your ability to enjoy these incomes or material possessions will diminish. In other words, science shows us that the priority investment should be in extending your health - the part of your life when you can enjoy everything else, including your loved ones.

Yes, it's possible today. However, contrary to popular belief, it's not about "adjusting" health when it begins to decline. The cost of such adjustments or even rejuvenation will be enormous. It's far more effective to start earlier and literally slow down your biological clock, preferably from the age of 35. From current studies and measurements of HLC clients, we know that it's possible to slow down the aging rate to about 70% of the "normal" speed. If you start at 35, you can gain almost ten additional years of healthy and active life by age 65. The intensity of such "slowing down" varies, of course.

If you're wondering how these biological clocks are measured, several methods exist. From partial ones that measure your physical performance (such as VO2 max) and can be positively influenced by exercise to highly sophisticated ones like DNA methylation profiles or telomere length. The attached image shows the latest result of my TruAge measurement. I have been able to reduce previously great biological age further by an additional ten years within the period of the last 18 months.

From the measurement, it's evident that I have accumulated 16 years of healthy years to my benefit. However, it's not just about the number on paper or future effects.

This reduced immunological age has specific manifestations - I haven’t been sick for the past 20 years and don't experience any health limitations such as fatigue, nausea, or any pain. I have perfect skin quality all over my body, and I have no ulcers or other issues. No allergies or sensitivities have developed. My bowel movements are regular, and my Oura sleep score consistently falls in the optimal range of 85 to 95. Photos show that I look better than I did 20 years ago. Further experimental measurements indicate a reduced degree of somatic DNA mutations, lowering the risk of various serious diseases, including cancer and Alzheimer's. These measurements confirm that many seemingly temporary infectious diseases, like the flu (and, of course, COVID), irreversibly damage our DNA.
You might wonder what specific steps I took to achieve these results. I must admit, I'm not a sports or wellness fanatic. I simply don't have the time to devote most of my energy to my health, as Bryan Johnson does, who claims to hold the world record in slowing aging. I also don't engage in extensive biohacking activities like daily ice baths, hours of meditation, or using exotic devices. My strategy is based on thoroughly studied and crafted scientific knowledge that we have access to at HealthyLongevity.clinic and LongevityTech.fund. I also prefer to dedicate my time and energy to extending the health span of humanity instead of solely focusing on myself.
The foundation of this knowledge is that not only is each of us unique, but our needs change daily and sometimes even hourly. Everything happens in cyclical processes on countless levels. The aging process is a slow compounding effect of all underlying processes.
To be able to influence it, we must do so intelligently and not forcefully. The approach "buy the best and use as much as possible" does not apply. The resulting effect would be weak. We need to know precisely when, what, and how much, and then dramatic effects will begin to emerge.
At HLC, we have been able to help a wide range of clients in this way, sometimes even reducing their biological age by ten years during the first year of the program, accompanied by a significantly improved appearance, subjective well-being, and increased vitality. However, this requires a systematic, long-term approach that is carefully planned and regularly updated. We call this a Longevity Roadmap.
Based on my parameters, which the team of doctors sees in a specialized information system, specific goals are set to improve particular aging biomarkers. Currently, we are monitoring over 1,000 parameters. For example, I am currently working on improving the bioenergetic index of mitochondrial activity, where I experienced a decrease. The reason for the decrease was likely mild aluminum intoxication combined with Impaired function of relevant mitochondrial enzymes due to zinc/copper imbalance, increased oxidative stress from iron dysregulation., and a genetic predisposition. Interestingly, this also manifested in increased damage to mitochondrial DNA. In this case, interventions include increased copper intake based on specialized organic supplements and a series of special infusions.
My Longevity Roadmap, therefore, contains both short-term and long-term goals, which, in my case, aim to optimize the balance of the mitochondrial function, modulating an increasing energy production and reducing excessive oxidative stress and hormonal stability. All of this is combined with an elaborate supplementation program and special medication. However, these are just the basic interventions.
Already this year, we are able to perform a special therapy at our clinic in Florida that combines Therapeutic plasma exchange and the synergistic infusion of other substances. This therapy has been proven to remove various harmful molecules and positively impact biological age and functional biomarkers. We can also support the rejuvenation of the thymus as a source of immunity. All of this will be combined with a series of procedures aimed at improving brain function and the cardiovascular system. In this way, we can not only slow down the rate of aging but also reverse it in key areas. Thus, there is potential to "turn back the clock."
However, such interventions can only be implemented after achieving complete stabilization and following an initial six-month program at least.
Processing the Longevity Roadmap and all biological data is a demanding task that a single doctor cannot handle but instead involves an international team with specialized expertise. As we cannot offer this to everyone, we have prepared a special membership program with a range of benefits based on an annual commitment.
The basic principle is that the client invests in their so-called "health budget," from which funds are gradually drawn throughout the year. The client maintains control over both the budget and the allocated items and can request a refund of any unused budget if needed.
Membership at each level comes with discounted rates on specific services and, most importantly, exclusive or priority access to comprehensive "concierge" care, which is coordinated with the overall longevity program. The team will ensure that, in case of any special health issue, you receive care from the best possible facility in the Czech Republic. A member can include their family members in the program, who will share the budget; however, the annual budget for each additional family member only increases by 50% of the required amount.
This way of working also enables the clinic's team to maximize their efforts to slow down aging within the selected membership level.
The overview of membership program benefits:

Based on our experience, we have calculated the sensible annual budget for each level to achieve the expected effect. The budget includes everything, such as annual supplement consumption, recurring examinations, nutritional or movement coaches, and potential specialized therapies.
We base our membership levels on the following assumptions:
Essential Member
Typically, someone who knows it's essential to invest in their health but is hesitant to dive in aggressively. In addition to other benefits, this member receives a 5% discount on all products and services. Their annual budget will be $25,000, typically covering the initial assessment, four annual checkups, Longevity Roadmap updates, key examinations, and special supplements (which often consume up to half of the budget).
Optimal Member
Someone who wants to do the most they can but has limited resources to invest in their health. In addition to other benefits, this member receives a 10% discount on all products and services. Their annual budget will be $60,000, typically covering the initial full assessment, four annual checkups, Longevity Roadmap updates, ongoing nutritional consultations, more detailed examinations including CT, MRI, and mitochondrial tests, special supplements, and currently the most effective existing medications.
Elite Member
Someone who values their health and is not limited in their financial capabilities, allowing them to invest the maximum amount that is still effective and makes sense. In addition to other benefits, this member receives a 15% discount on all products and services. Their annual budget will be $100,000, with a total discount of about $18,000, typically covering all assessments, monthly checkups, Longevity Roadmap updates, ongoing nutritional consultations, a complete range of examinations, special supplements, and specifically selected advanced therapies. Elite Members also have direct access to our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ana Baroni, MD, PhD, one of the most recognized longevity experts in the world.
Membership in each program requires payment of the annual budget, which will then be drawn upon throughout the year. To maintain membership, the budget must be renewed on the anniversary date.
We are glad that HealthyLongevity.clinic is at the forefront of international activities in Longevity and is gaining well-deserved attention.
Returning to the original consideration of guaranteed investments, with any investment, we measure performance over time. Measuring the level of your health converted to your biological age gives you the opportunity to measure the performance of your investment in your health. Each additional year in which you are in full physical and cognitive strength gives you the opportunity to evaluate your other financial assets and enjoy them simultaneously. Investing in health is essentially a leveraged investment that no inflation or political change can deprive you of. In the light of various geopolitical crises during the past several years, we cannot be certain of any developments, except that everything will be dramatically different. In the face of immense stress, we can only fight back by maintaining our physical abilities and improving our cognitive capabilities - by investing in our health.
As a next step, I recommend a discovery call with the clinical director, where you can learn more about the Longevity Roadmap program and specific interventions.
I am also more than happy to meet with anyone interested in membership if they wish to discuss specific experiences.
Petr Sramek, CEO and Managing Partner