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HealthyLongevity.clinic recently partnered with Dr. Dobri Kiprov

HealthyLongevity.clinic recently partnered with Dr. Dobri Kiprov, researcher behind clinically tested procedure “Therapeutic Plasma Exchange” (TPE) to bring this advanced solution to its Florida clients.

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HealthyLongevity.clinic recently partnered with Dr. Dobri Kiprov, researcher behind clinically tested procedure “Therapeutic Plasma Exchange” (TPE) to bring this advanced solution to its Florida clients.

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When we clean the blood, the body and brain work better.

As you get older, your blood becomes polluted with damaged proteins and overused molecules that may adversely affect your brain and body. Since your blood is the river of nourishment for your cells and organs – the health of your body is influenced by the health of your blood. TPE is a truly revolutionary tool for physical healing and longevity. It can be transformative for people who have suffered with serious conditions like autoimmune disease and neurodegenerative issues because it helps to clean your blood and removes certain harmful substances circulating in your plasma. 

This innovative therapy has the potential to slow down the rate of brain and body degeneration (read more).

How Does Therapeutic Plasma Exchange Work?

Heterochronic Plasma Exchange (HPE) follows proven, decades-old, well-established practices for Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE), a U.S. FDA (and Internationally) approved procedure generally known as plasmapheresis. 

Through Therapeutic Plasma Exchange, we remove certain harmful substances circulating in your plasma to nourish your cellular habitat and support your regenerative factors. Using an IV needle, your blood is drawn from a vein in your arm. A special machine separates your polluted plasma from your blood cells. The aged, polluted plasma is discarded and replaced with clean, individualized, plasma-like replacement fluids, albumin, immunoglobins and other regeneration promoting factors. The new solution of freshly-cleaned blood is infused back into your body, supporting your body and brain’s ability to fight degeneration. Each procedure typically takes between 1-2 hours in an average size individual.  TPE does not require medication or anesthesia.  Patients remain awake in a comfortable reclined chair.


Decades of medical experience, millions of procedures, and widely published scientific evidence in the field of immunology demonstrate that the removal of pathogenic substances in plasma plays a critical role in rejuvenating and restoring immune system function.  Studies of aging populations evidence dysregulated immunity in the elderly due to the decline of the immune system, leading to increased morbidity.  Dysregulated immunity in the elderly closely approximates the factors common in autoimmune diseases: autoimmunity, pro-inflammatory factors, and T-cell disorders.  Inflammation, in particular, has been linked to M. sclerosis, dementia, cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease.  Autoimmunity and dysregulated immunity, known as immune senescence, makes elderly populations three times more susceptible to infection and impaired to keep appropriate healthy cellular status maintenance  of the body.  We have enough empirical promising outcomes among Alzheimer´s patients, that removing inhibitory factors in age-associated disorders rejuvenates immune system function in subjects over 50 years old and/or prevents those conditions from developing.

Human plasma, which constitutes about 55% of total blood volume, cannot be completely replaced safely in one procedure; in HPE, we utilize typical TPE protocols, replacing around 60-80% a patient's plasma in one initial treatment.  We then replace plasma with five successive treatments .  Over 6 treatment sessions, we remove and replace plasma substances in an exponential fashion approaching 100% with each treatment.

Therapeutic Plasma Exchange for Autoimmune Disease

We believe your autoimmune disease shouldn’t control you. Therapeutic Plasma Exchange is an FDA-approved treatment for many autoimmune diseases, for treating COVID & Alzheimer.

Therapeutic Plasma Exchange for Cognitive Decline

We understand how scary memory loss can be. A large study showed Therapeutic Plasma Exchange reduced the rate of decline of moderate dementia by over 60% in 14 months.

Therapeutic Plasma Exchange for Vibrant Longevity.

We know you’re driven to be the best you can be. We use FDA approved medical devices during this procedure to help you fight your body and brain limitations. We measure blood & functional biomarkers pre and post-interventions to personalize the holistic approach and to have objective measurements of the outcomes.

You can read about first hand experience in this article.

For more information, book your discovery call here.

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When we clean the blood, the body and brain work better.

As you get older, your blood becomes polluted with damaged proteins and overused molecules that may adversely affect your brain and body. Since your blood is the river of nourishment for your cells and organs – the health of your body is influenced by the health of your blood. TPE is a truly revolutionary tool for physical healing and longevity. It can be transformative for people who have suffered with serious conditions like autoimmune disease and neurodegenerative issues because it helps to clean your blood and removes certain harmful substances circulating in your plasma. 

This innovative therapy has the potential to slow down the rate of brain and body degeneration (read more).

How Does Therapeutic Plasma Exchange Work?

Heterochronic Plasma Exchange (HPE) follows proven, decades-old, well-established practices for Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE), a U.S. FDA (and Internationally) approved procedure generally known as plasmapheresis. 

Through Therapeutic Plasma Exchange, we remove certain harmful substances circulating in your plasma to nourish your cellular habitat and support your regenerative factors. Using an IV needle, your blood is drawn from a vein in your arm. A special machine separates your polluted plasma from your blood cells. The aged, polluted plasma is discarded and replaced with clean, individualized, plasma-like replacement fluids, albumin, immunoglobins and other regeneration promoting factors. The new solution of freshly-cleaned blood is infused back into your body, supporting your body and brain’s ability to fight degeneration. Each procedure typically takes between 1-2 hours in an average size individual.  TPE does not require medication or anesthesia.  Patients remain awake in a comfortable reclined chair.


Decades of medical experience, millions of procedures, and widely published scientific evidence in the field of immunology demonstrate that the removal of pathogenic substances in plasma plays a critical role in rejuvenating and restoring immune system function.  Studies of aging populations evidence dysregulated immunity in the elderly due to the decline of the immune system, leading to increased morbidity.  Dysregulated immunity in the elderly closely approximates the factors common in autoimmune diseases: autoimmunity, pro-inflammatory factors, and T-cell disorders.  Inflammation, in particular, has been linked to M. sclerosis, dementia, cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease.  Autoimmunity and dysregulated immunity, known as immune senescence, makes elderly populations three times more susceptible to infection and impaired to keep appropriate healthy cellular status maintenance  of the body.  We have enough empirical promising outcomes among Alzheimer´s patients, that removing inhibitory factors in age-associated disorders rejuvenates immune system function in subjects over 50 years old and/or prevents those conditions from developing.

Human plasma, which constitutes about 55% of total blood volume, cannot be completely replaced safely in one procedure; in HPE, we utilize typical TPE protocols, replacing around 60-80% a patient's plasma in one initial treatment.  We then replace plasma with five successive treatments .  Over 6 treatment sessions, we remove and replace plasma substances in an exponential fashion approaching 100% with each treatment.

Therapeutic Plasma Exchange for Autoimmune Disease

We believe your autoimmune disease shouldn’t control you. Therapeutic Plasma Exchange is an FDA-approved treatment for many autoimmune diseases, for treating COVID & Alzheimer.

Therapeutic Plasma Exchange for Cognitive Decline

We understand how scary memory loss can be. A large study showed Therapeutic Plasma Exchange reduced the rate of decline of moderate dementia by over 60% in 14 months.

Therapeutic Plasma Exchange for Vibrant Longevity.

We know you’re driven to be the best you can be. We use FDA approved medical devices during this procedure to help you fight your body and brain limitations. We measure blood & functional biomarkers pre and post-interventions to personalize the holistic approach and to have objective measurements of the outcomes.

You can read about first hand experience in this article.

For more information, book your discovery call here.

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